I have often pondered the question - what am I supposed to learn from this or that?

You wrote:

"But how can we grow and learn if there is nothing that challenges us? There is a purpose to everyone and everything."

You gave me another thought that fit in the puzzle- you said "challenges us."

The grief I have over the loss of my beloved sister is certainly a challenge- I don't mean to sound trite, but again the - why and what am I supposed to learn popped right in my brain when I read your words.

Sorry if I am just rambling. Thank you for your post. It was a blessing. I feel as though God is sending messages through your words to me. Sending love from NM, Debbie

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I feel honored by your words. He is with you in your grief, through my words, His Word ( so many Bible verses that help ) nature, and other people. Part of the "ask and you will receive" is just that, but people have to be open to it, and you are. Sending love back from Alabama!

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A good read, thank you for that. My sour mood is ALso now improved!😊

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An added bonus! I'm curious where you live, Regina. Do you mind saying? It's fine if not...

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Lol, of course I don’t mind, biting my tongue as I say it: Vermont!! (It may have just lost its spot as the most atheist state in the country!) I could go on forever about my “issues” living here, but what’s the point; it is what it is!🤷‍♀️ Still very beautiful, though💕

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I've heard it is very beautiful. Hubby is heading up there for two open water competitions this summer on Lake Memphremagog!

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