Before I get in to today’s post, I want to thank everyone who read, liked, or commented (whether here or by text) on Morgan’s birthday. It really helped me get through it again knowing so many people care about her life, whether you ever knew her or not, and how her leaving so soon has impacted me. Love in action. God also blessed this area with a sunny, warm day so that helped as well.
The very next day, yesterday, was almost the polar opposite. The rainy, gray, cooler day was not conducive to a good mood, and work got me agitated as well. It’s one of those things where I had put in a lot of work, keeping analysis in of how I got to a result, and because the person looking at it did so quickly and drew a conclusion quickly, I was left being told I must be incorrect and to basically do it all again. Nobody likes to know their time was or will be wasted. Perhaps I was wrong and I’ll find that out on Monday when I reanalyze my spreadsheets, but I don't think so.
Thankfully, Brandi my hairdresser, the one God chose for me exactly this time last year, the first I ever had to answer the question about if I had any children, who is such a strong, ethical, caring Christian woman, had me in a better mood by the time I left the appointment.
The heaviness of my soul came back though. I have been on a small streak of listening to NDE videos on YouTube again, and the way they describe the love in their experiences always makes me feel happy for Mo. It’s what I hope and pray it's like for her, and that knowledge keeps me going.
The thing that messes me up though, is how it can be as they describe, but also how sometimes it veers off and away from the things I read in the Bible. When I read the title of one, or one veers off early on, I don't even bother to watch those. I only want to know and promote whatever TRUTH is. Satan can and does appear as an angel of light, so discernment is important.
But they feel the love and want to change for the better. Doesn't sound Satanic! So what’s really out there?
I remember asking my Christian counselor about that and he said their experiences are really meant for only them. They never completely died (for good) obviously, so they really didn't get the full experience they will eventually get. One thing they ALL say is that this Earth is not our home, and the stuff we pay attention to here and strive for is mostly upside down and backward. This is confirmed in the Bible. Here are only a couple examples.
One thing I have discovered listening to so much Bible-based teaching from mostly online sermons over the past five or six years, is that English doesn't do the Bible real “justice.” Often there is not a precise English word that fits the exact meaning of the original Hebrew or Greek translations. We read in our westernized way, but we may not be understanding exactly as intended by the real author. That IS where the Holy Spirit comes in, however, revealing to us what we need to know at that time.
The book I’m in the final stages of preparing tries to make the point to the young readers that God is good and loving, but just. The Earth, temporarily handed over to Satan, is a testing and learning center to see if we will be who God created us to be. Will we have a relationship with Him to get the needed advice to have the best life He wants for us and others? (He set up Eartly fathers to also do exactly that!)
The “rules” in The Bible are not so we don't have fun here, they are more like guardrails so that Satan won't lead us down destructive paths for ourselves or other people. He knows Satan’s power. He gave it to him. But how can we grow and learn if there is nothing that challenges us? There is a purpose to everyone and everything.
These are the kinds of messages that most NDE recipients are given. It all fits. I have thought for at least the last decade that we must be in the end times. What we see going on in the world is outlined in The Bible so we can both be prepared and not fear. How long the end times lasts is the question. There are still some required circumstances that are not yet quite fulfilled, so I’d be surprised if it’s even in the next decade, but anything is possible. It could be another 150 years or much more, but can you imagine what that will be like if we’ve slipped this far morally already? Sheesh! Or will the pendulum swing back?
I think where we are technologically is important. Real humans with real everyday lives have always had the same accidents and health issues that kill us. Now, not only do we have the medical technology to bring people back who were as close to the final thing as possible, but we have the technology for their stories to be broadcast all over the world for anybody to see or hear. It’s like God is giving everyone a final opportunity before things change drastically, to seek Him and live the life both you and He want: Great relationships, fearless, fulfilled, purposeful.
Geez, just writing all of this has just made ME feel better again! Can't wait to get where you are, Mo, but I’ll do my best while still here.
I have kept this column to read again and answer. I have asked the stars, God, my dead loved ones this same question. When I am truly in despair, they always give me a sign of hope. answer to what is really out there is: LOVE. Love in celestial form. Something we cannot grasp while on this plane, but swim in once we enter the next. I feel those friends and family. I feel them loving me, or at least liking me an awful lot. That is what we get when we go. We just feel love.
I have often pondered the question - what am I supposed to learn from this or that?
You wrote:
"But how can we grow and learn if there is nothing that challenges us? There is a purpose to everyone and everything."
You gave me another thought that fit in the puzzle- you said "challenges us."
The grief I have over the loss of my beloved sister is certainly a challenge- I don't mean to sound trite, but again the - why and what am I supposed to learn popped right in my brain when I read your words.
Sorry if I am just rambling. Thank you for your post. It was a blessing. I feel as though God is sending messages through your words to me. Sending love from NM, Debbie