I believe in signs from our loved ones, I believe dragonflies, hummingbirds, and butterflies have been signs from my dad at times I’m not expecting it. I also had a friend recently share their belief in angel numbers as a sign that your loved ones are near. I was aware that 1111 was an Angel number, but the last few weeks I have been seeing 1112 several times a day. She shared that too is an Angel number. I firmly believe our loved ones watch over us until it is our turn to join them 💕

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Hi Jill,

Angel numbers are pretty new-agey, right? I try to stick to what is in The Bible, but people try to intermingle it with new age or other beliefs sometimes. Jesus did not talk about things like that. Personally, I think it is okay to see certain things and allow them to remind us of our loved ones, but I don't believe they encase their spirits or anything like that. I'm a little spooked by the loved ones being able to see what we do in the here and now. Honestly, I hope not. There might be some kind of connection up there where they interact with God on our behalf. I guess we'll never know until it happens to us.

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You got me curious by your question so I looked it up. Numerology/angel numbers have been around for thousands of years and when I googled it they referenced numerology to the Bible ( not necessarily angel numbers) I am no expert on any of this, I just believe in signs and you will only see them if you allow yourself to be aware. They happen when you least expect it. I feel that being open to signs strengthens my spirituality because it reminds me that there is a higher power and life after death exists.

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We both share the belief in life after death.

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I am glad I can help.

I bet the blue Heron was sent by Morgan.

Stay open to the signs. She knows you are in pain and will reach out.

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It is hard to describe, and I guess we will find out when we pass, but it feels like God lets them (Troy, my parents and 2 best friends) reach out to me. God speaks to us in a language we can understand. Perhaps when we need reassurance, a sign to go on, God speaks to us through our loved ones that have passed. Sometimes, it is just a cloud or a butterfly, but to me, it feels like a message of love and hope.

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Okay, now that I get. I'd heard cardinals were somehow messengers of our loved ones and many times one or two cardinals cross a certain hiking path I take. I always say "hi mom and dad" when this happens. I saw a blue heron on that path in a new spot I'd never seen it before and it felt like Morgan in that minute. Thank you!!

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my significant other killed himself 2 years ago. For a time, I did not think he knew how much I missed him. On the 1 month anniversary of his passing, I saw the most beautiful dazzling starlight show off my neighbor's pond. The stars danced and danced. I was not sure if it was him, so I asked in my mind. Suddenly a shooting star zoomed across the sky. I knew it was from Troy.

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Oh wow! I'm very sorry for your loss and under those circumstances. It's so cool when God uses nature to reach us. It was a shooting star in Colorado when I was 16 that God answered when I asked at the moment to make me understand He was real. So you kind of think that the deceased may make requests that God will honor to reach us?

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You will continue to get messages from your daughter. Always be watching. I get messages from my loved ones at the oddest times, and often when I need a sign the most.

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I will be interested and amazed if I do. I've never felt grandparents, other relatives, or even my parents, although I had a very intense dream the night of my mom's funeral when I was asleep in her bed. It may have been a nap. I don't remember now. How do you get messages?

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