I couldn’t come up with a good title for today’s longer post, so I guess I’ll use time as the title when this happens.
First a catch up on “happenings.”
Yesterday, Rock3 went with me to Morgan’s apartment. Husband and I had left five bigger items that, instead of bringing home, I would try to sell on Facebook Marketplace. Hubby had taken pictures of these items when we were there last Sunday but we forgot to measure them in case people asked for sizes. Rock1 came to my rescue (again!) and went and measured for me during the week.
I used Morgan’s FB account since I no longer have one, so yeah, that was weird. This makes me wonder if I really am a weird person. Would other people do that? The thing is, Morgan had bought and sold on FB Marketplace many times. If I started an account just to do it this one time, it would be suspicious right? Member since 2023? And I don’t want to join FB as me anyway. As it was, I posted the items initially on Thursday, and everybody called me Morgan and I answered as her. I immediately started getting responses, which I guess I was not prepared for. I had specifically said in each description that items could only be picked up on Saturday from 11-3.
I almost fell for a scammer. This was the first person I messaged with, so I was unaware of what I needed to look for. I should have known immediately he was a scammer because he offered to pay then, and have his brother pick the item up on Saturday. Too trusting, eh? And I even said as much to “him.”
I won’t go into the details, but let’s just say his last message to me was “Hello???”
I thought I’d found buyers for all the items by Friday night, so I messaged each of them to verify they were still interested. Only 1 got back to me. So now we were going down and needed to find almost all new people. I re-contacted people who had also messaged interest and had said to contact them if my buyers fell through. Even most of these people did not respond again or had already bought something else.
Rock3 was her amazing usual self. We had to take something apart and let’s just say she made it happen! We ended up deleting all the listings and relisting with slightly lower prices and “Saturday’s come and get it date” and got most of the items sold. The only sad part came at the end when we packed up the final food and the few final items to take home and I felt like I needed to kind of honor or remember this was the last place she’d ever lived. She’d only been there two months, but it was still her last home. I broke down for a short time, but Rock3 helped me recover quickly.
Now onto my thoughts, and as stated in the very first post, I would come back to the subject of NDE, or Near Death Experiences. I decided to read before going to sleep last night but needed to start a new book. I went to Kindle Unlimited and didn’t like any of the titles of the usual fiction authors I’ve tried recently. These authors are quite popular according to the number of good to great reviews, but I mostly find their books only average. I read enough each night to put me to sleep. But as I said, nothing was clicking. I then came across the book, “Imagine Heaven – Near Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future that Awaits You” by John Burke. I downloaded and began reading but actually got sleepy very shortly into it. But I LIKED IT! I liked it so much that I read even more this afternoon! It reminded me of the YouTube video I’d watched shortly after Morgan passed and which had given me comfort. Here’s the link to that 22 minute video.
I realize these people came back and Morgan did not. If she was given the choice, and she could have been based on what I’ve read many times over the years and confirmed in what I’m reading now, I am truly happy that she is in such a wonderful place. I believe it, as there is a lot of scripture alluding to the fact that the earth and our earthly bodies are only temporary. That is why we should give our focus to eternal things, not earthly things. Here is just one piece of scripture:
1 Corinthians 13:12 (Amplified version) For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].
I’d love to know what you think! I’ll probably be posting more on this subject in my Nightly Gathering Posts as I go through the week. Thank you again for all those who are supporting me in prayer. They continue to give me strength!
I believe in signs from our loved ones, I believe dragonflies, hummingbirds, and butterflies have been signs from my dad at times I’m not expecting it. I also had a friend recently share their belief in angel numbers as a sign that your loved ones are near. I was aware that 1111 was an Angel number, but the last few weeks I have been seeing 1112 several times a day. She shared that too is an Angel number. I firmly believe our loved ones watch over us until it is our turn to join them 💕
We both share the belief in life after death.