Today was cleaning day. I'd let the office, where I had poured through so many pictures last week, and lots of mail, and some smaller things of Morgan's I wanted to sort through accumulate too much. I finally got it under control. I don't know why Morgan had 2 Alexa's. I don't even want one. (We were very different in that respect.) Can I sell these things? Are they programmed to her phone somehow? I have no idea. I think she had two because she had one, couldn't find it after one of her moves, bought another, then probably found it.
I cleaned the rest of the house as well. I'm not a clean “freak” or someone who let's things get gross. I fall in between. I don't mind cleaning once I get started, and it always feels great afterwards.
I never made Morgan clean her room that much. If she wanted to live in a pigsty, that was up to her. My mom had been the same with me, but I usually kept mine pretty clean, except piles of teenage clothes. Morgan was not too bothered by dirty dishes in her room as a teen. Once she moved away from home, she did a much better job, at least the public areas. The girl had a lot of clothes piles in her bedroom.
There is still a lot of her stuff I need to get rid of one way or another. We have a very large storage room so that's where most of it is. I haven't done that much since sorting things on my birthday, and picking out clothes to use for the quilts. Am I putting it off because it will make it more final? I don't think so. Am I too tired after working all day? Pretty much, but that's not it. I'm just procrastinating because I can. No rush. Not going to stress myself out for some self-imposed deadline. Yes, by April 8th I'd like to have it figured out if not taken care of. We'll see.
Ha ha I’m like you I don’t like all that Alexa and Siri stuff but I know all the younger ones love it.
You were a very wise and fun mom to let Morgan be Morgan!
I’m glad you’re going to take your time, like you said there’s no set date to have it done. When my dad passed away, I saved some of his shirts that I really liked seeing him in and then I remembered he had this one awful shirt that he really liked and I was going to throw it away but then I ended up keeping that one and it’s my favorite to this day because it was his favorite. So over time the things you want to save might change a little bit so don’t be in a big rush to get rid of anything.
By the way, is your mom still with us on earth or has she also gone to heaven. You may have said another post, but I was not in on the beginning.