A young man, not even out of high school, took his life recently. His mama posted his lovely smiling pictures on Facebook, writing a lengthy post about who he was and all he had hoped to accomplish in his life and all he had accomplished in his youth. The sadness just leaked all over the post and into my heart. I cannot get this hurt for the family out of my mind and I did not even know him or them. I cannot even imagine. Hugs to you and to that family.
A young man, not even out of high school, took his life recently. His mama posted his lovely smiling pictures on Facebook, writing a lengthy post about who he was and all he had hoped to accomplish in his life and all he had accomplished in his youth. The sadness just leaked all over the post and into my heart. I cannot get this hurt for the family out of my mind and I did not even know him or them. I cannot even imagine. Hugs to you and to that family.
I pray they get the support they need and will grow closer to God through this. Without Him, it would be unbearable.