This actually happened yesterday evening after I had already written and scheduled last night's post. I knew it would be tonight's and still felt the amazement when I thought about it today.
For an unknown reason, early on after Morgan passed and I took a walk, I let the Great Blue Heron symbolize her presence to me. I hadn't thought about it much until the Blue Heron in Biloxi, which I've embedded here again for your reference.
My sister-in-law, Sheila, decided to share something with me in response to me sending the COL shared folder yesterday evening.
While contemplating one night while still in California, struggling to put the words together for her part in the Celebration of Life, she prayed for a way to be connected to Morgan. The next day, she opened up their back door, and as she said, “there was a Great Blue Heron at our pond. Never have I seen one in my life, let alone in our backyard. I knew right away it was from Morgan. I looked up the Native American spiritual meaning. In short, self determination and self reliance . . .I was completely blown away but I kept quiet. . . “
This is her picture:
She continued, “Next when we were in Alabama we went to Morgan's Cove. A sign with a picture of a GBH right there and naming her cove Small and Beautiful.” At this point she shared the first heron story with her son's girlfriend, Sasha, who was also there. But that's not all! (I've never heard of or been to Morgan's Cove in Guntersville, but I shall now go someday soon!)
On Easter Sunday before they left, they went on the same trail I go on at Haye's Nature Preserve. (The one from this past Sunday night). She continued, “I had a feeling Morgan was going to give me some sort of sign. Not a clue what it would be. As we were walking back to our car, Sasha gasped, Sheila look! Isn't that a . . .Great Blue Heron! We cried. It was so beautiful and young. I'm so grateful for those moments. She is with us.”
Now get this. I pretty much know who reads this blog. I was pretty sure she doesn't read it, at least as a subscriber, unless she signed on anonymously, or reads it without subscribing at all, which is also very easy to do ( but why would you haha?)
But I had to know so I asked if she knew that I, too, had equated the GBH to Morgan.
So I sent her the link embedded above and the text and she then replied. . .
She gave permission to use our God wink in tonight's post. I'm so thankful that she shared her story with me or I'd (we'd) never know this amazing symbolism that our Heavenly Father gave us to make us know He knows us, He hears us, He sees us. Morgan is with Him! With all her best qualities, including her intelligence and beauty!
Wow - that connection is real.
Wow, that is so amazing and beautiful!