One of the first things I do upon waking up is read the “verse of the day” on the YouVersion app, and the reading for the day from whatever plan I'm on. I decided to start that years ago as I way to show God that I want Him to be number one, first priority.
I don’t always without fail do it first, but I’m pretty consistent. This is also when I first pray for various people, many who read this blog, some of whom I've never met in person. I’m somebody who can easily stop and pray multiple times a day when someone enters my mind though.
I now see all prayer partly as sending light, energized particles into the vicinity/energy field of the other person. The more prayer somebody gets, the more light particles mix in with their energy/soul. The light particles stay affixed if they mostly have other light particled people in their spheres, but can get mixed with dark particles if that's the energies/souls who they associate with the most.
This is the theme my young friend S and I have as a plot in our book, but it works for me envisioning this while praying, too.
I then play Wordle, send my result to Rock 2, sometimes text about something with her, and then I go into substack to see if anybody “liked” or commented on the most recent post.
Today I was thrilled to see that one reader had given me a good idea on how to get the poem from yesterday copied in here. As I re-read the poem while copying and pasting into my notes app, it almost “flipped a switch” in me today to not be sad. I'm sharing the poem now. I still teared up but I want to live like it says to.
A beautiful love letter from those who have passed on…
“Take the love you have for me
And radiate it outwards
Allowing it to touch and impact others
Take the memory you have of me
And use it as a source of inspiration
To live fully, meaningfully and intentionally
Take the image you have of me in your mind
And allow it to fuel you
To take action
Seize the day
And be reminded of what is most important in life
Take the care you have for me
And let it remind you
To care for yourself fully
And shower yourself with your own love
And take the pain and grief you feel
Following my loss
And alchemize it into
Love, compassion and beauty
Build a castle
From the wreckage of my passing
And allow it to unlock your greatness and potential
And empower you to become more than you ever thought you were capable of being
And know that I can never truly leave you
And will always remain beside you
Watching over you in spirit
And that the love I have for you lives on
Through the connections you form
The kindness and compassion you share
And the future relationships and friendships you cultivate
And until we are one day reunited
I will remain with you
Through the storms and chaos of life
And am always beside you
Walking with you, laughing with you, crying with you and smiling with you
And I am proud of you for being strong
I am proud of you for being brave
And I am proud of you for being you”
Beautifully written by Tahlia Hunter
I decided to listen to two more NDE videos on my walk this morning on the Little Cove Transformer route (no GBH), both involving drowning victims this time. I get a little freaked out when some of what they say is not directly eluded to in The Bible, and we all have to know that the angel of darkness can disguise himself as the angel of light, but these people live transformed lives of goodness after these experiences, which is not the result of associating with darkness.
When I direct my thoughts to Morgan being exactly where the Creator wants her to be in her current position of eternity, in a realm 1,000 times better than here apparently, how can I stay sad?
But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.
Philippians 3:20-21 NLT
My morning habit of prayer and devotion had been sporadic until 2020 or so. It was there, ingrained in me from my childhood, but not consistent. Then God flipped the switch for me with 2020's insanity, which we all know continues. It has been an incredible blessing....the shift in how I focus. I will check out that app. One that I use (in email form) is First15. It has been amazing how many times one of the email devotions I receive has been just the message or verse I needed for the day.
The sentiments in the poem you shared are beautiful, and I know Morgan wants you to care for yourself and be happy.
Thanks for sharing from the depths of your heart Joan , your faith in our awesome God thru this is so encouraging! 🙏❤️😘