It’s mid-afternoon as I’m writing this, and I think I’m making it through pretty well so far. I appreciate those who have reached out to me and it’s nice to know you have thought about me today. I cannot fathom a “Happy Mother’s Day” this year and maybe I never will be able to. I’m thankful for a lot though, and some nice thoughts have entered my mind.
On yesterday’s walk, I found a podcast from Hugh Ross, the Aspergers (by his own admission) Christian Evangelical Scientist and Author, who created the Reasons to Believe website. Through his incredible understanding of astrophysics and The Bible, he openly debates and lectures to atheists and others to try to get them to learn about the God who created it all, who did so to have loving relationships with humans.
Yesterday’s podcast was entitled, “God Is… Bigger Than We Know.” Here’s the link, but I’ll give you my take, and I’m a very un-science-y person.
I’ve heard him say this before, but everything was created in order for there to be life on Earth.
1. He explains how big God’s creation is. Our sun, which is merely a very small star compared to many others, is a million miles in diameter.
2. Our galaxy, The Milky Way, is one of 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. This has only been known since the 21st century.
3. All of the planets, stars, and galaxies, including space dust, is only .27% of all that is out there. That is Point Two Seven. He says, “What astronomers have discovered, if you were to change the total quantity of stuff in the universe, by as little as one part in the 10 to the 122 power, there’d be no possibility for life, anytime, anywhere in the universe.” To illustrate what this is like, he talks about a recipe for a giant muffin that calls for an amount of flour, equal to the volume of planet Earth. Can you even picture one grain of flour? “Now consider this”, he goes on. “if you take away one grain, it would completely ruin the recipe and you would get no muffin. That’s how fine-tuned the size and the mass of the universe is to make your existence possible.”
4. We know that God is bigger than the universe he created. The Space-Time Theorem says there must be a causal agent to what was created. There is no doubt in science any longer that our universe has a beginning. This is thanks to the highest telescopes that have come into play in the last two decades. But not just matter, it had to be the creation of space and time itself.
5. There is a being who created the Space and Time dimensions and there are many other dimensions that God works in that we have no access to. He did this in order to have a relationship with us and bring those of us who accept his gift of relationship close to Him for eternity.
6. He explains how God can hear multiple prayers at the same time. We are in the Space and Time Dimension of Earth whereas God operates in multiple dimensions. He goes through an example with Mr. and Mrs. Flat. Our relationships are linear, God’s are not.
7. No matter where you go in the universe, God is present. He’s not limited in any way by what He created. The Bible tells us this in 2nd Chronicles 2:6 “The heavens, even the highest heavens cannot contain Him.” This is unique to Christianity. Islam says God transcends creation but is not intimate with it. Hinduism says God is within the creation, but not outside the creation.
8. He finishes with the Gospel message that this Creator entered our dimension for just over 30 years to be with us and teach us why He created it all, why we’re here, and how to be with Him for eternity.
Why did I choose to listen to such a science-y podcast yesterday? I certainly can’t visualize or even comprehend some of what Hugh Ross discusses, some of it doesn’t interest me to a greater degree than the basics. It just doesn’t. But whenever I listen to him, it makes me understand that Hugh himself was chosen for this special role that he fills in our generation, and he embraces his calling with gusto. It makes me realize that we each have a similar role and we need to understand that. Whatever our roles are, in one way or another, we can draw people to God, which is the purpose of Creation itself.
I like knowing that Morgan is with this Supreme Being. She’s there already! Whatever reason this amazing God chose to take her out of this realm, there is one, and I trust Him completely.
This morning, I was at The Spot by about 7:15. I needed to get the dog out before it got too warm. I laid my hand on her bark covered baggy which contained the antique hair net box that some of her ashes are in. The round, ceramic, delicately painted box was intended by my own mother for Morgan someday. The box is covered with scraps of her own clothes for more padding, and wrapped with a couple rubber bands. I didn’t weep. I got slightly teary. Grief is so strange, because this would be the perfect time to cry pretty hard. But I didn’t. I just told her how much I miss her and that I’m happy that she gets to be in God’s presence in that realm. I named off the children of the people I met last weekend, as well as the names of friends of mine who have lost children. Kristin, Jamil, Hayden, Zac, Ethan, Sarah, Patrick, Cullen, Russell, Ellie, Amanda, Kate, Jake. I asked her if she knows them all now. Does she get to spend time with my mom and dad? Her great-grandma Marjie?
When I got back home, I got coffee and decided to sit on my back porch and enjoy the views and sounds of nature. We got REALLY LUCKY or really blessed when we were looking for homes to buy back in April of 2019. We only wanted to look at ranch style because we figured this is our last house and some day we probably won’t want to be going up and down stairs. Over a couple days we saw maybe twelve houses, but we knew this was it the minute we saw it. Morgan was with us and gave us the seal of approval as well. We put in an offer for exactly the asking amount and it was ours by the end of May. Here’s my view from three different directions. Notice the yellow weedy flowers in the distance that I spoke about a month ago. I guess these arrive in March and they’re still around. I’ll have to try to pay attention to when I don’t see them anymore. I felt like I was in a bird sanctuary, and I even got to watch a hummingbird get some nectar from one of my container flowers (these were from the Celebration of Life). I felt in my soul that I could hear Morgan saying to me, “Mom, I’m happy. I’m really happy here. We will be together again and it’s going to be better than the best days we ever had together on earth. Just wait and see. “
Hubby took me out for breakfast at a place I hadn’t been. I loved it. Salt of the earth customers. I did a couple hours of yard work, but dang it get’s super hot and muggy here. I heard from son just before sitting down to write, and because he’s all we have left, I pray I don’t smother him. I love him so much.
I’m okay. I’m not “happy” today, but I’m doing fine. I’m counting my blessings, I trust God with all of my heart, and soul, and mind.
Thank you for posting this and I look forward to watching the video. I remembered you posted another one by him a couple of months ago and I loved it.!
Your views are just gorgeous! Thinking of you today and always . I always enjoy listening to these types of podcasts. It’s nice to have extremely intelligent people confirm what we already know.