Retain what? The knowledge and the emotion that goes along with it, that God is in control and orchestrates the world around us down to the finest detail. I have no knowledge about how this happens, but through the Hugh Ross videos I once shared, it has to do with the different realms. We are stuck with only 3 dimensions here, but there are more we don't have access to. It just is.
Ready for the details? There are so many pieces to this, I hope I am able to weave them together so you can see the miracle.
One, remember that I recently reestablished a 40 year dormant relationship with a friend from my hometown, now in Columbus Ohio, who turned me onto the sermons of Jack Hibbs, a pastor in Chino Hills, CA. (I lived in Corona, about 20 miles away from 1998-2003 - just a fun fact- no relevance)
Having so much work to catch up on Monday from my recent days off, I could not take doggy for a walk until that evening. I was planning to listen to Jack Hibbs’ latest sermon during that walk, but hubby decided to walk with us, so obviously I didn't.
Tuesday’s walk happened in the morning to The Spot, but for some unknown reason (at the time), YouTube wasn't connecting well. It kept spinning, so I eventually gave up and just listened to Pandora, which had no problem. That in itself didn't make sense to me at the time, but I didn't contemplate it for more than five seconds.
Wednesday I also had no time for a walk. I put in six busy hours, then headed out the door for our meeting in Birmingham.
Today I got to listen and I’ll link it at the end. To me, the gist of the sermon entitled “What are you Waiting for? PART 3/Romans 8 18-23” has to do with faith and grace. He uses story after story and examples galore hammering home these subjects.
When I was at the turnaround point of my walk at Hays Backend, I realized I would be finished before he was done and I thought, “I’ll just keep the earpods in and listen on my way home.”
At around the 43 minute mark, he begins discussing nature and that even nature is waiting for Christ’s return in earnest expectation. At this point, I’m on the straight stretch that takes me back to my car with the Flint River on my right. I’m trying not to expect a GBH, trying not to find one because I’m “REALLY LOOKING,” but I scan the river.
Around the 46 minute mark he begins talking about the pains of childbirth and even uses the phrase “pregnant for 9 months” (recent blog post) and I kid you not, up ahead 50 yards, a GBH flew from the river on the right, onward out of sight to my left. I was incredulous about the timing, and began putting all these pieces together for this exact thing to have taken place. By then I got to my car, and by habit, I took the earbuds off because it is not as safe to drive with them in. Bluetooth you say? Not set up yet with this new phone. (Truth be told, not my last phone either. Two phones ago - yes.)
I start to drive off when I take note of the song on the radio. It’s a song probably 99% of you know called “Time after Time” by Cyndi Lauper.
First, until today, I think I had always heard her singing, “you will find IT”, not “you will find ME, ” but today I heard ME.
I wrote a post way back, maybe in March, where I say there are some secular songs that still made me think of God. This song did it for me today. The timing! This was also the point of the sermon. (I still have about 12 minutes left)
If you're lost, you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting (I will be waiting)
Time after time
At the end of the song, she (HE!) repeats the phrase until it fades off, which to me represents eternity.
I think I’m going to ask for a GoPro for Christmas. I have so many of these occurrences they need to be recorded. If nothing happens, fine I delete that recording.
It’s real everybody. What's happened to me was reaching the lowest Earthly point possible in my opinion, but He was there at that moment and has never left. He's been there my whole life, but I think I didn't care enough to really notice. I get these signs only because I am open to them and recognize the messages. They are there for everyone, but you have to want them. They could be happening right in front of your face, but are you too distracted with (what?) to see them?
Thank you God, and thank you to all who liked and/or commented on last night’s post. I will have more to say regarding Mo not being forgotten, but I needed to write about this tonight instead.
I assure you and most solemnly say to you, that you will weep and grieve [in great mourning], but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. A woman, when she is in labor, has pain because her time [to give birth] has come; but when she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of her joy that a child has come into the world. So for now you are in grief; but I will see you again, and [then] your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take away from you your [great] joy.
John 16:20-22 AMP
"He's been there my whole life, but I think I didn't care enough to really notice. I get these signs only because I am open to them and recognize the messages. They are there for everyone, but you have to want them. They could be happening right in front of your face, but are you too distracted with (what?) to see them?"
Beautifully said, Joan. I could not agree more. Thank you.
Jeremiah 33:3.... The more I pay attention, the more I realize God is there. Yes, those signs are real and all around you. So glad you have that comfort amd so very sorry that Morgan is no longer on this earth. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.