The day started normally. I didn't wake up feeling better, but again I want to reiterate that I’m not depressed. I was busy with work in the morning, but was definitely looking forward to a noon “walk & talk” meeting I scheduled with my Columbus friend.
This old junior high/high school friend and I found out at the reunion that we had a LOT in common, thus we met several days later for that walk in Columbus, then enjoyed that experience so much we decided we didn't have to be walking the same path to do it again.
We arranged our schedules for the first time today and will try to do it weekly. As I started down Hays backend with my dog, I told her that I might blurt out a “hi” or something to a butterfly, cardinal, or GBH, if I happened to see one. Her response was, “Well I won’t see a GBH, but I’ll do the same.” So we walked and talked and soon I began seeing the blue butterflies. She then saw both a male cardinal and a female cardinal while I continued to see butterflies. About an hour in she asks, “What do herons look like?” I began to answer the best I could, but she said, “I think I see one. Hold on. I’m going to send you a picture.” She did. And I stopped to look at it and it was. She was freaking out and I was amazed. She snapped another picture and as she was talking and sending, I neared the part of my path back, where the Flint River is on my right. I turned my head to look at the river and there was a butterfly on my shoulder! I was then freaking out and wanted to snap a picture, but alas this is a new phone, I’m not familiar with the spot the camera app flips to selfie, and the butterfly flew off before I got to do it.
Meanwhile, the heron she saw was literally letting her walk right up to it, which is NOT COMMON. Here's her final picture, which is not zoom lens.
Our takeaway from this is that God is truly blessing this re-established friendship. She and I like to talk about the Bible and how it relates to the world we live in today. She’s a sermon watcher, too, so we just both LOVE God a lot. As far as the numbness that had set in, I feel like God said, “No way! Watch this!”
I do not feel numb tonight. I feel excited about the surprises God uses in nature to excite us. Today He knew we’d be walking and talking, what our moods and concerns were, and blessed us greatly. He’s love. He’s the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I pray that all of you reading this will want to know God/love on this level. It’s amazing.
Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others’ joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others’ grief].
Romans 12:15 AMP
Amen! What an uplifting post! So neat about the butterflies and just unbelievably sweet about the heron! She took a fantastic photo!! The lighting is beautiful! Looks heavenly!
Herons are cool! I definitely never saw one that close. So glad you could reconnect with a friend.