I was out walking by 6:25 am at the Hays Backend to once again beat the heat. I listened to the rest of the Jordan Peterson - Eric Metaxis podcast and it really was great. I'm not going to link to it, but if you are a fan of either man you'll enjoy it. Nothing nature-wise happened, but I felt it was a real blessing when a young male millennial driving by on a golf cart on a path below the pedestrian bridge I was on, waved up at me.
I was at the breakfast meeting place with my friend,who will now be referred to going forward as my W3 friend (While We're Waiting friend) at 9am. It's hard to believe we've known each other less than 2 months. She is in a similar place emotionally so we both needed to dab our eyes a bit. I was more than thankful that she had some time and was willing to go with me to the Apple Store afterwards. I had brought Mo's Apple Watch, something she had not been attached to or utilized much, to see what could be done with it.
These public things I've needed to do, whether on the phone or in person, are the hardest. I break down every time. W3 was able to tell the worker what needed to be done for me. Once they got it charged up, they were able to also wipe it for me and I have an idea how much to try to sell it for. Huge relief and huge blessing.
It stormed in the afternoon, I ended up dozing off, and the rest of the day is also now slipping into the night. We have talked to our son tonight, and although we've always been close, there is no doubt we are closer than ever since last December. He is now making it his goal to move here. God willing it will happen soon! Blessings in the future!
“You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.
John 15:16 MSG
My deepest sympathies.
Thank God you and your friend have each other. Also, I’m really really glad to hear that your son might be moving closer. Please keep us posted on that and I will pray that it will be a big blessing for him and for you and your husband, that there will be a good job and opportunities for him, and even a chance for him to meet a very nice future wife if that be God’s will.