I woke up more than a half hour ago and my mind began racing with the week’s past events and thoughts toward the future. Usually when this happens, I’ll actually pray the Lord’s Prayer several times in a row to try to go back to sleep, but if that doesn't work, I just keep praying for a lot of different people in their circumstances. It helps me envision God taking my prayers and turning it into light particles of energy that get blanketed over those specific people. Many times I fall back asleep while praying, but well, not today.
The more people praying for a certain person or people, the more light (and love) gets added to their being. Is that why we’re told to pray for our enemies? Can we change the world for the better that way?
The past couple of weeks I’ve been playing around in my head with the theme, “Do the next best thing.” In your own life, when you have a decision to make, choose or do the next best thing, whether it is the typical or easy thing to do or not. There are a couple ways to know what the next best thing would be. If it leads to love of yourself (taking care of your present and future self), or love of another, it is the next best thing. If it subtracts, it isn’t. The Bible is of course full of wisdom to know what adds and subtracts.
The other way you know is your gut. Not your heart, your gut. The Bible tells us the heart is deceitful. I believe your gut is your heart working with your brain and soul. It’s your instinct. You KNOW what your gut tells you, so do I, it’s that we don't listen much of the time for a multitude of reasons.
If we do the next best thing however, that is God moving us forward, His plan for us - His will - and we will be blessed and bless others. If we listen to ourselves instead, we TAKE OURSELVES, a step backward.
We had a somewhat strange last 7 days, due to getting a couple unexpected emails that our minds had to contend with. I didn't allow too much anxiety to set it, partly because of the above “theme.” The next best thing was NOT to worry.
On Wednesday, we received the opposite kind of email, one that caused great joy. The email actually came in around noon it says, at which time I was working, then left for my walk around 1 pm. At the Little Cove Transformer walk, just as I got started, a very large GBH flew up out of the pond and over the road past the trees into that neighborhood. Nice surprise. At the end of the walk, nearing the car, another GBH took off out of the other pond into the opposite direction. I was very happy to feel Mo's presence twice in such a short time.
I opened my email around 2 pm and my heart almost burst with gratitude and joy. Someday hopefully fairly soon, I’ll divulge what caused this reaction, but suffice it to say that regardless, it is going to help me get through the anniversary of Mo’s passing, and the holidays, much better than expected.
Hubby and I didn't end up seeing the movie “After Death” until last night. It was very good. I knew several of the stories from all of the reading about NDE I have done, but it was nice to see the drama, faces, and visual effects. There was a point I had some tears streaming down my cheeks, being grateful Mo is already living such an existence. I look forward to joining her, but I know my purpose here is not done yet. My gut tells me.
We look forward to hearing what brought you hope and sustenance for the coming weeks and months. I love those God signs.
Your method of "counting sheep" is the new habit I have developed also. I do think it helps to pray for our enemies. Hopefully it helps them. I know it helps me in my quest to forgive.
Thank you for sharing. I have been torn on the movie. I didn't want hokey. I appreciate your opinion!