I don't keep track of the days I cry, or if I do, how many times in a particular day. It has definitely been more again since the 6th anniversary arrived last Friday.
It isn't happening as much as when I'm alone anymore, but I don't seem to be able to talk about her lately without tearing up. Hubby and I just said to each other today that yes, we know the reality that she is dead, but sometimes you just wake up stunned, or sit there at your desk stunned, saying to yourself, “I can't believe it.”
I am more confident than I ever have been that she is alive, with Jesus, in another realm. There have been so many Godwinks in the past six months, all signs of His assurance that this is so. I've appreciated each one, and I'm truly happy that she has no sorrow or pain any longer.
I went through those calming waters the couple weeks before the anniversary and I wonder how long until I'm back there again.
Today's walk was in town, close to but not TO The Spot. I decided to go down the same street as yesterday to see if my dog acted as interested/skittish when viewing that small branch with the dead leaves. Did it make an impression she could remember? We drew close and she was interested again, but this time she “moved on” in about half the time.
One other interesting thing happened.
I was in a daze just listening to the music and she'd stopped momentarily to touch noses with this little grey cat that was hanging out, first to the party to be fed by the old lady later? It shocked me because I didn't expect it and slightly but silently jerked the leash, which THEN made the little cat run off. They had been fine without my interference. I'm not sure what to make of that either. It sensed my fear/shock energy, where there had not been any in my dog I guess.
You know we are really just giant balls of energy, really. I just find it interesting.
As always, use the forum for whatever you'd like. I appreciate you reading!
“So then, in everything treat others the same way you want them to treat you, for this is [the essence of] the Law and the [writings of the] Prophets.
Matthew 7:12 AMP