Hello! I had a great night's sleep but rose with the sun as usual and began another day. I needed to take the dog out early because the morning would be busy and either too hot or possibly storming in the afternoon.
I chose the same walk as last Sunday morning in hopes I'd see a GBH. I guess when it's in my head that it represents my daughter, I want to see her. I know it's a little crazy but I can't help how my heart yearns to see her again, and the GBH just has to do. I was lucky to catch a 5 second glimpse of one, the same first spot as last week, but she moved before I could get the picture. Not too much further away, just a foot or two off the path was a giant feather. I searched Google images and it is possible that it is from a GBH.
I almost feel like it means I won’t be seeing her/them as much anymore. Guess I’ll find out.
One interesting thing that I remembered by picking up this feather, is that sometime in the last few years when my brother came to visit, we went kayaking and he found a feather and kept it. We have a separate little man cave house on our property where guests stay, which he did, and stuck that feather in a vase that was already on the bed shelf backboard. It stayed there for a couple years - everytime Morgan was there, including last summer for a longer stint. She definitely stayed out there more than anyone. I threw it away but I don't remember how long after she passed. I think it must have been right before the celebration of life when my son and his childhood long term friend were out there for the week. If it was also from a GBH, that's quite the tie in, but I obviously didn't think about any of that when I threw it away.
I skipped the camp breakfast and the next thing on the agenda was to attend church at the church of the Pastor who does the weekly Bible study with these kids. This is the third year I've gone and it is very different from Lutheran, or any other Christian church I've ever attended, but I was ready for it this time.
This denomination is called Primitive Baptist, and they call out hymn numbers from the small congregation, and then sing without instruments; a capella. Only a couple hymns in all three years was I familiar with. This goes on for about 30 minutes and then after a prayer and a Bible reading, a Psalm today, the Pastor preaches for an entire hour. Lutherans, Methodists, and most others I believe, limit the message to 20-30 minutes. Each year I'm extremely impressed the kids we bring do not seem too fidgety! There have been a few sleepers, however.
Today in part of the message he referred to we Christians as being the sheep when Jesus returns and separates the sheep and the goats. But he explained the sheep in a way I've never thought about. Sometimes I'm surprised at how dense I've been all my life!
When sheep are not taken care of by somebody (a shepherd) there are problems, they do stupid things like get lost a lot, because they ARE stupid, and their wool coat grows and grows, and if it doesn't get shorn, if/when the sheep fall over, they literally are so weighed down they cannot get back up by themselves. Wow! What an analogy God came up with to help us really understand who we are!
Later, a part of the message referred to the love God has for us, and could we parents remember how great it felt, or could the kids remember from the receiving end, sitting on the lap, cuddling, watching TV together, those perfect moments to! I just knew Mo is getting that secure, everything is just perfect life now, and it got me crying. I don't think anyone really knew. I had a couple tissues in my purse on the floor and just kind of dealt with it “below.” Three minutes tops.
We had an amazing lunch. I'll say it again, I LOVE SOUTHERN FOOD!
That was the end of the camp weekend. I am so blessed by being with these kids. I'll be seeing most of them less and less because they move up to an older kid level, but I’ll stay with this age group and get to know some new ones. Watching these kids go from 5th and 6th grade to 8th and 9th was fun, and my how they've changed physically!
I will be like a shepherd looking for his scattered flock. I will find my sheep and rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on that dark and cloudy day.
Ezekiel 34:12 NLT
Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.
1 Peter 2:25 NLT
That's why Bible Study (or podcasts etc) can be so interesting. God directed His Word, His guidance to why we are on earth and what we should be like while we're here, to be put together all in one place. Sixty-six separate letters or messages inspired by The Creator of the Universe, put into one book we call the Bible. Eventually humanity progressed enough to get this word into more than just the powerful or educated. He could speak to people directly - to them in THEIR situation - not through somebody powerful telling them what “it said. “ No interpretation needed - if they were interested. Some are. Some aren't. Sheep and goats. The original writings in this book of guidance took place over at least 4,000 years!
He didn't leave us here alone without a clue. He told us what He wants and how to be with Him for Eternity. It's up to us to listen. He will not make us be with Him.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Psalm 91:4
I really enjoyed reading all of this