I’ve been contemplating writing a post like this one all year. I guess what happened this morning is the impetus needed. Several times now I have mentioned that this year I have received or noticed things that weren’t normal in the earthly sense; things that made me feel like Morgan had somehow made a visit to let me know she’s here. They are always innocuous things that don’t change a lick about my comings and goings, but they have continued to add up until the one this morning that, as I said, I feel I must finally write about them.
The first one got my attention, and I more or less laughed it off jokingly referring to it as something Morgan did, not really believing it was her, but still not being able to make sense of what happened. After the fourth one, it wasn’t quite as funny anymore, and I started taking notes of what happened. I’m not going into detail of all of them, but my notes started January 14th so I don’t know the exact dates of the first three.
For the first one, I was working in my office, with my dog on her bed in the same room. I don’t even remember if it was morning or afternoon anymore, but we heard a loud crashing sound from the kitchen area of the house. I’m sure we looked at each other and decided to investigate. Everything in the kitchen looked 100% normal so we checked out the utility/laundry room right off the kitchen. It took a minute to see that her bag of large 10” rawhide bones, on a shelf that spans almost the entire wall above the washer and dryer, had fallen between the dryer and the wall. Toppling over on their own to that spot would make sense if they’d been nearest to the wall and near the edge of the shelf. This bag was next to other items that were closer to the wall and there was a food dehydrator on the dryer with a lot of shelves and lids which would have also fallen or been disarrayed somehow if the bag did a front fall and then over to the left. There was just no logical way for the bag of rawhide bones to be where they were, and I’m pretty careful not to just let them sit on the edge of the shelf so they would ever fall for the reason of gravity alone.
The next couple involved a blanket on one of our couches being in a tented position from the back of the couch to the front of the seat. Nobody leaves their blankets like that…
The one that has now occurred most often has to do with that print of 2-year old Mo, unframed - just the print - that I took out of a drawer one day, along with another print, and lean up against the wall on a tall, 15” by 15” chest high IKEA cabinet in the office next to the door. The picture had made its way into the hallway on the runner. Did I run out of my office in a hurry and the wind carried it? No. Do I have vents up near the ceiling and air carried it? No, the only vent in this room is across the room on the floor. There was no reason for that picture to be in the hallway, upside down, other than to get my attention.
January 14th two different things happened which caused me to start taking notes. At 3:45 in the morning, my phone made a strange sound which woke me up and Pandora started playing. I took a screen shot which is here.
I don’t recognize the song, but very well could have been listening to relaxation music the night before. My phone had never done that previously and hasn’t since. Later that same morning, the coffee pot was unplugged, something I didn’t do and which my hubby assures me he had not done either.
Just about a week later, in the afternoon after returning from grocery shopping, the coffee table was turned very crookedly, a position I had not seen before or since, and it had not been that way before I left. It was nearly perpendicular to the couches. At this point, I’m telling people - hubby, friends, son - of these strange happenings. As I recounted all of this to my son, he told me of a very strange occurrence that had happened to him the night of February 1st. Never a sleep walker his entire life (Morgan was!), he had attributed what happened to sleepwalking, but I think she or the angel or whatever this is, made a visit. Long story short, he awoke on that Friday morning to daylight, which shouldn’t be the case in Ohio in the winter when you need to be at your job at 7am. He went to grab his phone and it was not on his bedside where it is routinely kept as it is his alarm. He lives alone in a two-bedroom apartment and scouted everywhere for it for thirty minutes, finally opening the door to the second bedroom, which is only used for a few items of storage, and he had not been in recently. There was his phone, in the middle of that room on the carpet, with blankets askew next to the wall, which he had kept folded.
When I went to my cousin’s house in Ohio when I was up there dog-sitting for my brother and sister-in-law, Jenny and I had sat at her kitchen table talking about our lives, and I went through the entire slew of things that had taken place over the month. She got up and went into the kitchen to get something out of the refrigerator, and I got up also and was just standing there. All of a sudden, we both heard a giant crash, like somebody had busted her backyard sliding glass door. She said she thought I’d done that as her first instinct since her back was turned.
We realized that a measuring cup (the light aluminum or thin metal type that is from a set) fell off of a Cheerios box and onto a crystal candy dish which made the dish explode into a lot of pieces. We couldn’t make sense of it!
The next two things were a weird technology thing and weird dog behavior (not my dog).
On April 8th, the anniversary of her Celebration of Life, the picture from January fell onto the office floor again. Now mind you, I’d already put a few trinkets in front of it to keep it from swooping away, if that is what had somehow happened. Both hubby and I had been in and out of the office a few times that morning, but now, when he came in to say goodbye before he left for work, he stooped down and picked up this picture on the floor between my desk and the door about two feet in front of the cabinet. There is no way we both walked right over that picture several times already and “not noticed.”
During April, the bathroom door would be left in a position of being open only an inch or so. This one I cannot attribute to these paranormal things directly, but neither of us has ever been in a habit of leaving it open only an inch or so previously. It’s usually wide open, but I began making sure it was closed with a click after these occurrences.
By this time, every single time I walk to the place I call The Spot, a tree in which I have placed a smaller container containing some of her ashes, I talk out loud to her and to God asking them what all this is. I beg God to make it stop if it is not “of Him,” but at the same time I say I do like it if it is allowed. I think God has a wonderful sense of humor, as did Mo, and she is “allowed” to do silly little things that don’t change anything if it makes me happy. But there are many times I have said I don’t want it if it is demonic in any way.
This next one I have only told one person, W3, my friend who I meet with twice a month for breakfast. I had been to The Spot, the day before, and made my plea to either stop or make it clear that I’m not just constantly conjuring these things up myself somehow. (How?) This is a little yucky so beware…
First, hubby and I usually sleep in separate rooms because we both get better sleep that way. He has to go to bed early and get up early for his swimming regime from which he goes to work. I had come in from my Tuesday evening Bible study a little later than normal because I think I must have stayed longer talking to a couple of my girlfriends out in the parking lot. He had already gone to bed. I did my usual routine of going into a very large walk-in closet, changing into my pajamas, coming out and brushing teeth, and letting the dog out one last time to go to the bathroom. Because I like a very dark room, I leave my bathroom door open only several inches so light from that window doesn’t shine in but enough for the cat to go in and use the litterbox if necessary. I also leave the walk-in closet door open its few inches, enough for same cat to go in and use the scratching post if he wants to. Milo is now 16 years old and sleeps all day and sleeps most of the night, but definitely moves around at night, too.
On the morning of May 1st, hubby had already left the house to swim by the time I got up. He had NOT come into my room. I am an extremely light sleeper. As usual, I opened the closet door to grab a sweatshirt, put on socks or something, and there in the middle of the floor was a big pile of dog doo doo. Way too big for cat doo doo. It didn’t hit me at first until I realized I had pushed that door open from its five inch opening. There was 100% no way my dog could have gone in there and done that, and then shut the door to those few inches on her way back out. Not to mention, she just doesn’t make messes in the house. We are blessed to have a dog who can hold her business up to 17 hours! I don’t make her do that routinely, but that is the longest I know she has had to wait. This time I laughed because I knew it was the answer. It is “Mo” and that definitely got my attention!
Moving on to June 11th, which happens to be my deceased mother’s birthday. Also on top of this IKEA cabinet by the door, in front of the two prints, I keep a FURMINATOR - a handheld manual comb type thing I’ve written about once before because Milo the old cat thinks he has died and gone to heaven when we furminate him. I had just furminated the dog however that morning, and put it back - both prints upright where they belong, trinkets in front of them. Sometime that morning, I noticed the usual picture had flopped down onto the trinket in front of it. Really? It’s going to go from leaning against the wall to flopped in the other direction? I don’t think so. But this time, I also decided to take a big 8x11 envelope that was laying on my desk and film myself waving it back and forth in front of these pictures to prove that they don’t just move easily. In the past, I had blown on them in the same way, and they barely fluttered. This back and forth swooshing action took about 6 seconds of wild waving before they finally fell. When W3 came over last Saturday, I did it for her in person when I was telling her about it, and it also eventually happened, but NOT JUST BY merely walking by.
Today, the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. I come into my office and as I’m going out the door the first time I see that the second print (not the usual one) was MISSING! Greg left for a swim in Vermont yesterday morning. I thought okay, it must have have fallen behind the cabinet. I pulled the cabinet forward and NO PICTURE. I’m stunned, looking around a bit, and see that it had flipped a good 15 inches to the left, over an old purse laying there, sitting on a hip-high dresser that had been in Morgan’s apartment that we are storing right there for the time being (or forever…haha). In the picture below you can see where it landed barely to the left on the purse. My secret is out i’m not a clean freak!
I put picture number two back to its spot, moved the trinkets and furminator back in place and I’ll await whatever happens again. This is unexplainable to me, and believe me, I’ve given all of this a lot of thought this year, talked to people, looked things up, and I am still seeking answers. I can tell you what my current working theory is though.
God is Love. God is Love. God is Love. He loves us and wants to give us what we want that is good for us. Comfort, Strength, Peace, Happiness. If we seek Him and truly want Him in our lives, He makes himself known and gives us what we want. When one is in this type of relationship, the things you want are NOT OF THIS WORLD. I don’t care about material things much at all. Sure, nice things are of course NICE, but ask and you shall receive doesn’t mean ask for a car and you’ll get a car. It means ask for HIS PRESENCE, and you’ll get it. There is something VERY REAL about the more you give the more you get. Oh, how I wish I would have understood all of this better so long ago.
I used to be in a long-distance relationship with God. I loved him, but I was distracted by other things that were more near to my place in this earthly realm. The minute Morgan passed away, God’s presence was holding me and our family up. Now I am in a local relationship with God. We hang out together a lot more, and I know Him more than I ever have. He’s so happy with my newfound love for Him that he is showering me with affirmations of His love - through these paranormal visits, through friends and family, through songs playing just at the right time, through GBH flying over me and butterflies landing on me. Through timing of phone calls, texts, and other types of godwinks that one can not just call coincidental. Not this many.
A continuation of my seeking theory is that the Bible tells us there are three heavens. The first is the atmosphere we can see where the clouds and birds are. The second heaven is basically outer space. The third heaven is where those who have passed and are in God’s presence reside. But where is this third heaven? It is infinite and OUTSIDE of our space and time dimension. It is impossible for our earthly finite minds to grasp it completely, but many many people who have had (NDE) near death experiences, have been in the third heaven. Even the apostle Paul seemed to have experienced it. I am beginning to think the third heaven is all around us but we are incapable of experiencing it ourselves.
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
Some people do not want their loved ones around if they experience them and ask them to leave, thinking they are not in “heaven” if they are here. Some of us want it all we can get. As I have said, I have shared the first occurrences with my cousin, Jenny, who lost her firstborn son, Matthew, nearly a year ago now. She was such a rock for me when Morgan passed, and neither of us could have known she’d have to endure the same kind of pain just over six months later. She wants visits from Matthew and wants to make herself open to them. Both she and her husband each had paranormal visits very different from the way mine have shown up. She gave permission for me to tell these.
For Jenny, she was on Amazon just browsing for new blouses to wear for work. If you are familiar with Amazon, it makes suggestions at the bottom of the screen for other similar things you might want to consider instead. Amongst the female blouses being shown at the bottom was a T-shirt that said, “Matt is Nuts.” Such an algorithmic selection was out of place. She realized this might be a “thing.” She later looked for the T-shirt but it is nowhere to be seen on Amazon. After she told me this story a few months ago, I also had to see for myself if a “Matt is Nuts” t-shirt was available on Amazon, and nothing appeared for me either.
Jenny and her husband have kept Matthew’s car, and it was time to change the title into her husband’s name. He got a new license plate and placed the old license plate in Matthew’s bedroom on his dresser. A few days later in my remembrance, they were discussing it for some reason and he asked her why she had moved the license plate. She had not. They went to the room so he could show her wear he had put it, they looked around, and there it was in the window!
So. I am going to keep seeking. I’m going to keep asking for knowledge and wisdom. I am going to continue to be happy when I feel I’ve gotten a visit from my dearly departed daughter. If you have experiences you are willing to share, regardless if you’ve ever commented here or not, please do it. I think it’s a thing!
My Daddy passed away almost 20 years ago. A few days after, my phone lit up in the middle of the night. I think I was lying there awake and noticed it. And it was one of those old flip phones. For me, it was just confirmation that one day we will be reunited. 🥰
I'm glad we have a written record of these things! I don't want to forget about the Matt is Nuts t shirt with the picture of a peanut. Not my typical blouse 😎