I'm so glad that people are finding this helpful! I will definitely continue these posts and work little by little forming a community. Of course God will bring those He wants to know about it here. Before Morgan died, I would say things like that and believe it on faith, but from the things that transpired on the day of her death, some of which I wrote in the first post and a couple huge ones I had to leave out, it is no longer a belief but actual knowledge. God knows. God will lead things to happen whatever He desires to happen.
I trust and love God so completely and want everyone to understand that if they don't, they are really missing out on noticing Him acting in their lives.
I’ll be writing my longer, weekly post tomorrow or Sunday so I hope to see you back then.
Thank you for sharing your feelings and faith. My husband sister lost her son in 2016, I’m hoping she will read your writings. Continuing to pray for comfort and strength for you. You are an amazing woman.
I had a great day and then found myself in tears again tonight when I heard an old song. I am glad you are writing for all of us.