Last night when I'd mentioned I wanted another day to chill before starting a “new normal” routine, one of my subscribers advised, “hey, take a few days, rest, start thinking about that stuff next week.” I'm a Type A so it's usually go, go, go, and you all know all the many things that had to (I wanted to) happen between Morgan's death and the Celebration of Life. I had rest, but there was definitely always something in the near future to think about, do, or ask someone to do for, or with,
I'm taking that advice and doing nothing again tonight. I'm going to finish a book (easy fiction thriller) and I'm going to watch “The Big Sick” for probably the 7th time. There are very few movies I'll watch multiple times, but this one for me is just very entertaining, not preachy, funny, and based on a true story. Great acting. (I'm writing this up and schedule to post later)
I'm not myself today. I'm not depressed, but I'm feeling a lot of assorted emotions and I will soon take some time to work through them, no goal of when I “should” feel different. We should all give ourselves a break now and then, forgive ourselves and others, but make sure not to wallow too long, as it really does no good. I still believe life is meant to live, not just survive. Share whatever you would like to in open thread!!