So much for the immunity shots, of which I did take another this morning. Right now I am quite stuffy, although I feel okay.
The Women's Conference was again today until 1:00. It was good. It's always great getting to know people better, and in this case, learn some good methods for taming our tongues. Is what you say truthful? Is it going to help? You don't always have to state your opinion or even be right. I remember 24 years ago learning the same from Dr. Phil, who used to say, “Would you rather be right? Or would you rather be happy?”
I asked the mom of one of the junior high girls I have a fun relationship with if she wanted to consider asking this girl if she wanted a lot of Mo's cute clothes. She said her high school daughter would also be interested. She just plans to not volunteer exactly where the clothes came from. A week from today she'll come over and take what she wants.
I wasted a lot of time today trying to find one particular pic of Mo and my son at the Grand Canyon. I've seen it plenty over the years but it is nowhere I can find it now. I'm giving up. Hubby doesn't want me to send this collage for my son's birthday. He'd prefer we are with him when he gets it, so I guess it will happen when he comes down in March and we observe her birthday together.
My pottery friend and her sisters thank all of you who are praying for them. I hope everyone sleeps well. Write about a memory or anything you'd like to share in the open thread. Thank you!
Praying you get some sleep. A dear friend from HS and I were just texting about memories and how they seem like it all happened yesterday. We were talking about all the ones we’ve lost and our grandmother’s fried chicken. Memories are a blessing. Even the small ones count.
The taming our tongues hit me. I definitely needed that message. I can get quite sharp when under stress and I snapped at a good friend the other night. I apologized right away but you cannot put toothpaste back in the tube. You can’t unsay a word.