Sometimes I feel ridiculous that I'm still posting these nightly gathering posts. I really appreciate everybody who reads them. Thank you! Someday I hope and pray they'll serve the purpose I envisioned; that grieving people who may be up at all hours would have a set place to come and interact with other grieving people, who can support each other. We all have our rocks and other good friends and family who never complain or act like we are a hindrance, and we could not get by without them, but they need a break from us and our grief, too, I'm sure. I will eventually get the word out to grief groups, real and virtual/social media, that this site exists.
Personally I'm still watching/listening to more NDE, since it gives me comfort that Morgan is in a blissful loving environment I CAN'T IMAGINE (pun intended). I don't know, and will never know, why her time on earth ended early.
I read every post. You are helping all of us who read cope with our own pain, my friend.
I read every one of your posts as well. In time, more people will become aware of your Substack & will participate.
You are an exceptionally expressive writer & the need is great for a place where folks can share their grief as well as find support.
I am especially looking forward to your upcoming information about NDE's.
I know your precious daughter is smiling down on you!
The Lord bless you & keep you!