Off to the Birmingham Airport early so my son could fly back home. We took the back country roads there, and it was a beautiful drive. I think I never mentioned that I got pulled over for speeding last week on our way from Birmingham to Huntsville. I was going quite a bit over and I had just told them how much I liked the back way and I never saw a cop. I was very fortunate that he only gave me a warning because he didn't want to break my lifelong record of no speeding tickets. Needless to say, I watched my speedometer much better today.
We aren't exactly sure when we'll see our son again this time. He's hoping to move by July, so maybe at some point to help him move.
I had to put in some work and took more PTO as well. During this time I also texted with one of Mo's friends who would know who the professional photographer was at the tournament. She sent me a couple pics I'd never seen from past tournaments. Here are two.
Notice the tattoo on her hip. It says JGE, which is my,her dad’s, and her brother's first initials. Below her top it says “Serenity, Courage, Wisdom” She's had a Serenity Prayer plaque up in whatever room or apartment she lived in since she got confirmed in 8th grade. I knew she got that tattoo, I’d just never seen it until today.
In this next picture, she got well into the air on her jump!
I thought I was going to be done crying, but the tattoo picture brought the tears for a couple minutes. I guess it truly is a new normal.
Today was also about getting the funds donated for the scholarship in her name accounted for. It will be very cool to watch the amount grow then dwindle upon dispersement, and help some young women with college expenses along the way.
Son's friend leaves tomorrow. It was great spending so much time with him and getting to know him better as an adult. They've been friends since 4th grade and they are 28-29 now.
Write or start a comment thread on anything you'd like to. Thank you all for taking the time to read.
Beautiful pictures.
Joan I hate to tell you but the bouts of crying will never be over. Maybe further apart. You’ll experience something new or old, or she’ll just come to you mind. It’s like the ocean waves. ❤️