Not a day goes by that I don't have that homesick/grief feeling, but yet today I also felt very normal. I worked, did my daily dog walk, then the volunteering with the Jacob's Ladder Junior kids. There are a few of them I'm quite attached to, but I really have a heart for all of them. They are at such a crucial age where the friends they choose to hang out with will have a big impact on their lives. Morgan was big into court volleyball at their ages. If I had to do it all again, I would not have taken it so seriously and steered her, if possible, into more varied interests.
Tonight my pottery friend is on her way up to see her mom who will be entering hospice shortly. The change in her mom's health is sudden. Please pray for this family to feel God's love and peace (in the details) during this difficult time.
Praying for you and your friend.