Today, courtesy of the obituary link provided by a commenter, Nancy, to last night's blog, I found an amazing poem that we will likely put in the program for Mo's Celebration of Life. Boy does this sum up how to move forward. Here it is:
“Miss Me, But Let Me Go” When I come to the end of the
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom-filled
Why cry for a soul set free? Miss me a little–but not too
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me–but let me go. For this is a journey that we all
must take
And each must go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan,
A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and
sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss Me–But Let me Go! - Christina Rossetti -
What a start to Friday, the 9th week anniversary of Morgan going home.
Maybe because of that I didn't feel sad for most of the day. I worked, took the doggy for a walk - here she is so you can picture who I'm walking - she is part pitbull part husky named KK.
She's pretty great!
Hubby and I had planned to start a new evening routine tonight, one part which includes learning a foreign language. This was something we decided to do last Thanksgiving and purchased the Babble program that night. We gave it to each other as one of our Christmas presents so no plans to start it til 2023.
I thought I had the information to get started in my main email. As I scrolled to get to the info, I passed the obituary for Morgan that we sent to only a few family and friends. We never really posted it publicly. I read it again and the sadness began, and then I realized that was the last holiday that will ever feel normal -that somebody was not missing from this Earth. Then with the foreign language itself, we had planned not to tell the kids, and then one day when would be fairly fluent, we'd start conversing in front of them and watch their “confusion” for a good laugh.
I'm fairly sure my son doesn't read this so we can still pull it off with him - and watch out friends!
But I was crying when hubby got home from work and we processed that for a bit, but decided to start tomorrow evening now instead.
So here we are. How are you handling your grief these days? What memories do you want to share of any loved one who has passed?
What language are you going to learn?
I have a blue nose baby that looks like yours!! Little Lulu is 7 months old and is my best pal.