Post 58 at age 58. What more can I say than THANK YOU? I had no idea how today would actually go, but from the first comments I read here early this morning, to those who communicated with me directly all the way through late afternoon, you all took care of me and my family. God used you all to keep us strong and give us peace today. The theme was not to concentrate on how much we missed her, but to think of her first birthday in heaven, and what she might be doing there today. A perfect day of kayaking? Hanging out and talking to her newest friends seeing all the sites? Feeling more love than was possible to ever feel here?
Her best friend blessed us with a text and sent a picture that she recalled Mo was talking to me at the time. I love how she looks there.
We had a beautiful sunny day here even though it was cold. I ended up listening to songs on my walk and it ended with this song, which is long, but I got to my car after the first couple of minutes in.
I felt it was a perfect sign God is with me every step of the way because Mo had gotten me the below gift one Christmas, which sits on the guest bed backboard, which is the bed that was hers until she went off to college.
How could I feel awful today when 25 years ago today was one of the best days of my entire life? I had a precious gift that I'm very thankful for, and someday we'll be together again.
We went to The Spot and part of her is there now. Part of her will shine daily from here on out in the amazing candle, teardrop urns that my Pottery Friend made for us - the first lighting was tonight. We lit the birthday candle, and interestingly enough, it went out on its own at some point, which was good because we didn't want to burn it too long so it lasts longer. By the time I thought to blow it out, it had already gone out. A little weird…
Thank you again. Share your hurts and struggles with those you trust; those who will say prayers for you. We are meant to help each other! We are meant to lift each other up in hard times. We are meant to be close to God so we can recognize WHEN He's helping us. We are meant to be grateful.
"By the time I thought to blow it out, it had already gone out."
She is still so close, my friend.
From your Earthly Auntie Nancy