I slept well and woke up with more energy again. I am drinking more water, so I think that also played a part. There isn't too much to say tonight except for a welcome to several new subscribers that I believe I picked up from the substack of Naomi Wolf. Glad you're here!
Nightly Gathering Open Thread posts are just there for you to say what you want, perhaps in the middle of the night when you find yourself awake. The hope is to continue to build a support group here, and I know many of us give and get support. I told Morgan that when I went to The Spot today. I said, “Mo, I know you are so much happier up there, and I'm trying to make your death have a positive impact here, and so far I think it is.” I appreciate everyone who reads these posts and pray for God to give you all the strength to get through any trials you might be facing.
for they loved the approval of men more than the approval of God.
John 12:43 AMP
I was trying to remember which Substack I met you on. It was either Dr. Malone or it might’ve been Naomi Wolf or Dr. Tenpenmy? Anyway, that’s great. I’m so glad there’s some new folks joining in. I love Naomi!