Hello all! Nightly Gathering Posts are Open Thread which means you can comment about anything you’d like. Just keep it to grief related subjects, memories, or questions about God and your pain. Hopefully one day we will get more and more viewers and commenters and make ourselves a community to get support and offer support to those who need it.
Today I am posting about seeing a blue heron and I’ve included a couple pictures. One of the commenters, starting back around my post “5 Weeks and 2 Days” whose name is Nancy, and I had commented about signs and seeing the heron and maybe it was a sign from Morgan. Today when I saw the heron it made me think of both Morgan and Nancy. This past week, Nancy commented about the loss of one of her clients about a month after Morgan passed, and perhaps Morgan had been there to greet him. The second picture, though a little blurry, shows the heron and its reflection, which made me think of Morgan greeting this young man.
We can all help each other out in the world with things that we have been through. Help those you know personally, and maybe help those you have never met with recalling your life events.
Of course it is fine if you never want to do it either…
Beautiful! Love this! There’s a heron that is occasionally seen in my neighborhood, and I feel like he always comes around when I need encouragement. It is really odd he is around, because we’re not near the coast like we used to be. He’s out of place for sure. I have seen him or his descendants for 20 years now.