So I have two post 14s. Yesterday's should have been 13. Speaking of numbers, Morgan's favorite number was ‘7’. I don't know why though.
My oldest brother checks up on me a lot. It means a lot to me!
Tomorrow I will be putting up a “unique”, not just a nightly gathering post.
If you have anything to say, I will respond…
I loved so much talking with you. I came into and out if your life when you were around 3. Your brother and I were married in 1968 and began our married lives in Wisconsin. Through your post I feel as if I know you now as wife and mother.. I too have deep faith and personal testimony of Jesus Christ and God the father. Thanks for sharing it has lifted up us. By the way, Kit and .I both have the #7 as favorite. We didn’t like kids so we only had 7!😜
too have
All I have to say is that your stack spoke to me. Brotherly love is the best. 🙏🏻