I'm back to being tired, but I didn't sleep well last night. Today I got to see the video presentation of the young woman who is covering Morgan's years 6-12. She was originally going to be here in person but became unavailable. There was no substitute for her. That was Morgan's best friend during those years, so she eagerly offered to create a presentation we could play. After I watched it, I literally had to stop, lay my head on the desk, and just bawl. Now I realize even though all presenters will be saying positive things and recall awesome memories, that I'm likely to be crying that whole hour.
It had me very sad for the entire afternoon going to get Evan at the Birmingham airport, at which point, my sadness finally took a back seat.
So my son and one of his best friends are here now and these next 3 days are going to be a whirlwind.
Thank you to everyone who reads this. Please feel free to comment about anything you'd like to.
You’ll get through it. You’re strong and supported.
I am glad your son and his friend are there.