Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I'm a little under the weather. It came on pretty suddenly this afternoon by hitting my glands first, but I took ivermectin, zinc, and quercetin the minute I realized I was feeling bad. My glands are fine now but I'm a little congested. Here's hoping a good night's sleep will be all I need.
I didn't cry today. Last night we'd had a really good talk with one of Morgan's best friends, and somehow doing that helped. We are hoping for a good turnout for the memorial beach volleyball tournament, too.
Well, this is Open Thread so feel free to type whatever feels right to you. Say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for all the wonderful people in your life. I know I will.
I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well, but I’m glad you took the ivermectin and the other things that should get you fixed up quickly.
The old farmers almanac has a sandwich recipe to cure a cold. It is a roast beef sandwich loaded with horseradish and onions - guaranteed to get you feeling better immediately and I have tried it and it works! You can also put some cheddar cheese on it. Supposedly the farmers in Vermont would use it so they could quickly get back to work when they came down with a cold.
So glad you had a nice conversation with Morgan’s friend. I’m sure it was beneficial to both of you. When I was a young woman, my best friend passed away, and her mother and I stayed in contact over all the years. She just passed away at age 94. I miss her, but I am so glad her and her daughter are now together in heaven. Praise Jesus for the glory that awaits us all who know him.
Sleep well, my new friend and I’m hoping to hear good news on how you’re feeling tomorrow.