The lawyer did not deliver good news. Matter of fact, it felt devastating, and we are slowly getting used to the blow. In the state of Alabama, I can only assume that the medical lobby has a loud and powerful influence, and it became official at some point that the most obvious thing to be done, that which has been done for over 150 years to treat the issue Mo went to the hospital for, is no longer the “Standard of Care.” (SOC)
No. The old SOC was not very revenue generating you see. It is much better to solve the problem in revenue enhancing manners. Money is God in the 21st Century in America.
When Mo began showing signs of needing some extra help before dawn on December 23rd, the doctors did not even return phone calls. This is in the medical records! Finally, third time being a charm as they say, a doctor did call back, but made a decision to DO NOTHING. When the issue became worse an hour later, it escalated quickly, and they could not save her.
The “Experts” (keep this in mind for when my book gets published!), basically said, “Eh, everybody's different. She didn't fit the normal profile. No these decisions did not cause her death.” So the plan was to not treat the initial cause, with the protocol that they’ll treat the results, but then NOT treat the results - and get away with it.
When it felt like there would be a case, I was able to remove anger from my body, believing justice would likely be served. I now have a new problem. I have to contend with unforgiveness. I may get there someday, but I’m not there now. I have to deal with whatever consequences I may suffer because of my current stance, but right now I have no real choice. I hope these doctors and nurses and all their lawyers and lobbiests have terrible lives. ( I'm aware this is unChristian) I hope they suffer greatly. I, of course, will NOT be taking my own revenge. I leave it to God to be just, but unless these people ever seek me out and ask for my forgiveness for their lazy, greedy, not-following-the Hippocratic-Oath-decisions, then there is nothing to even consider. Will they ever do that? No! They don't care! Will I let their decisions eat away at me? No. I will continue to do as I have been, moving forward the best I can each day. I won't give them my energy in any way, shape, or form after this gets published shortly.
Yesterday hubby swam 6 miles in the Tennessee River in Knoxville in a race called Bridges to Bluffs. He did great, even though he was personally disappointed. I kayaked again, and I remember last year, I think it was this race, that a GBH flew across the river by us with a mile left, and I thought it was her saying, “Bring it home, dad.” Well this year, I counted no less than 18 GBH, the majority in the first hour. When hubby wanted his first feed (nutrition he quickly downs…no touching the kayak!), number 14 had just landed up in a tree 30 feet above and “watched.”
Today was very busy for work so I didn't get to take KK out until after dinner. The first picture I quickly took while driving (bad girl!), but it was so pretty in person. The second one when we were almost done. I’m listening to “The Problem of Pain” again. It helps.
"Money is God in the 21st Century in America."
Dear Joan, I don't blame you for how you feel at all. It's honestly sinister what you have been facing. It's like losing Morgan over and over again. The system is setup like that. It's Fascist. Our country has fallen to this a long time ago. My God how do the Godless leaders and their cronies sleep at night. I know that Patrick's family (from Patrick's Story, that I wrote) has been through the absolute mill too. The evil of the pandemic and how vaccines, their makers, and government thug bosses set up their own protocol of "non-liability" was something easy for them to do as this was already a subtle practice that most of us never saw coming. We have looked at our country and medical practice as one of the best, most ethical and caring in the world. It is not. We have to vote this out. I am sending you a lot of love tonight and I am beyond sorry. oxox
I’m sorry this didn’t work out for you. I’m also sorry so many people are surrounded by deaths that should not have happened and have no clue just don’t care as to why. Your writings help those who do care and hopefully may reach others who need to deal with loss.