I appreciate the comments and feedback about last night's post and will only post when I have something interesting to say or share from now on. (“Going forward” has lost its appeal to me)
Today was the 8th month anniversary of Morgan leaving earth. I didn't even cry today and I think that's weird. Instead, when I opened up my personal laptop to print something, which usually only happens on the weekends, there was my background wallpaper and it made me crack a smile and feel good. I'm thankful that little munchkin was in my life for as long as she was. Here's the picture and I hope it makes you crack a smile, too.
The picture was in January 2003 in Pittsburgh, PA during a major cold snap. The older boy was our German exchange student.
Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; And she smiles at the future [knowing that she and her family are prepared].
Proverbs 31:25 AMP
Little Spider Man! Lol cute!!
Too cute! Love that picture 💕