Today's walk started just before 6am since I wanted to get it done while it was still cool enough. Off to The Spot we headed, and I talked to my daughter when we got there, letting her know I know how happy she is now.
Going down a long stretch of rural road that is parallel to the train track, after a couple houses there is a long stretch of just grass in front of trees. Laying on the grass was a branch about a foot long with some dried brown leaves still attached to it. My dog, for the life of her, could not process what it was. She stared and stared until she could no longer. “Is that a dead animal?” I suppose she thought, “but why can't I smell it?” “What the heck is that?” “Is it going to hurt me?”
In the past she's had that same skittish reaction if there's a flattened black garbage bag on the side of the road, especially if it's blowing around. She's afraid of stuff she doesn't understand, and we with our superior intelligence, laugh at the “cuteness” of her fear.
I wonder if the angels or other spiritual beings see our fear the same way? “Afraid so-and-so is going to laugh at you?” “Afraid to take that chance to xxx?” “Afraid to start a conversation with a stranger?”
Angels wonder, “Why would they be afraid when they know how much God, their family, and their real friends love them?”
Busy work day, but had a great long hike in the evening with a great friend. Here's the sun with about a half hour left to go when we got back to the parking lot.
Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.
Galatians 6:9 AMP
That’s an interesting thought and I bet it very well could be true about what the angels think about our reactions.
Love tonight’s scripture and really love the one the night before last. I decided to memorize Psalm 34 after reading that scripture you posted last night.