I spend a lot of time thinking about heaven. I go through phases of watching NDE videos, and as a Bible believing, discerning, praying-for- wisdom Christian, I realize that some don't fit my worldview. Some time back, I asked my counselor about them, and the answer is that the NDE experience is solely for that person. What information they were given is for them, and what they do with that information is for them.
It’s an experience, just like we all have unique experiences on our Earthly journies. Some experiences seem applicable to many people, while some experiences can be used as lessons so we don’t make the same mistakes, or perhaps can be used to keep others from making similar mistakes. But each of our journies here are 100% unique.
I’m still reading the book, “7 Lessons from Heaven” that D, one of my Cincinnati friends, gave me while I was there. D is such a prayer warrior, and our conversations, when we make the time, are golden. There can be no doubt that this author/doctor's second chance at life is a miracle, and she felt she had no choice but to write about the gift of her experience.
The weather here lately has been perfect, and it made both yesterday's and today's walks, both to Hays backend, very enjoyable. I was on the phone catching up with another of my Cincinnati friends, Dawn, who recently moved near Nashville, and was just starting out with the river on my left. All of a sudden a very large GBH flew from the bank below me off to the other side. If it had not flown, I never would have seen it. I told my friend, and thankfully she is another who understands that the signs are meaningful. About 15 minutes later, another flew right over the path, and after I rounded the corner, I saw where it landed.
(The path you see is on the golf course.)
Today there were no GBH, but sure a lot of butterflies again, and they and the beauty all around me make me thankful for what is good on Earth. Here's such a lovely arrangement in nature, and the smell of clematis was present as well. I could not help but think of heaven being somewhat like this, but a hundred-fold better.
The colors will be brighter and the energy of everything will be experienced positively. Today while I walked I was listening to a sermon by a preacher, Jack Hibbs, who my Columbus friend told me about. He spoke quite a bit about heaven. Here is a link to it, and I know many of you will like it, especially those currently suffering through anything, not just grief.
He actually “advises” against reading about NDE in this sermon, and after I had finished listening to it, when I had time, I actually commented about my experience, referencing Morgan being there and how I get to understand what her life is like now - just a little - and that I find most of them ease my pain.
Ever since hubby and I moved here, I have felt that it is a small sample of what I think either heaven, or the new Earth, is/will be like. This is the Bible belt, and in my experience, most people live their lives in accordance with what they hear or used to hear on Sundays. People are friendly, helpful, & respectful. Nobody seems jaded to me. This is true in my small town, but even in Huntsville with waitstaff, passers-by, and everyone else. In my life, I’m rarely even in a traffic jam. Mostly things just rarely go wrong, but when they do, the solution seems to be available quickly and almost painlessly. It’s bizarre, as my life has never been like this.
In addition, the friends I have made here are just perfect FOR ME. For the newest readers of this blog, I have mentioned my friendship with Rock 3, who I finally asked if I could start using her name -Jeanne - and how I have no doubt that God worked out every detail when Mo passed on, and in the days, weeks, and months after, so that Jeanne could step in, willingly and lovingly, to support me when I was in the depths of despair. She was, and is, invaluable to me. I pray that everyone can be ‘Jeanne’ to another person in that great of need. I am so thankful for her that, in appreciation, we are going on a getaway in the north Georgia mountains for some fun and relaxation for the next several days. I doubt I’ll post, but you never know!
Appreciate everything around you that is good. All that is good comes from God. Imagine this world with nothing good. To me, that is what separation from God (hell) is like and will be like in eternity. No good around at all to “take for granted.”
The Lord your God is in your midst, A Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love [making no mention of your past sins], He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.
Zephaniah 3:17 AMP
It will be beautiful in those mountains this time of year! Have a wonderful time!😊
Beautiful pics!! Thanks for sharing!!