This time I’m starting with scripture at the beginning instead of the end.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
Deuteronomy 30:19 ESV
My offspring IS still alive. I cannot say she died, or she is dead. She IS alive and I will be with her again someday. Each day I have to choose to get up and move through this life with a chunk of my heart missing, but because I do, and do it with my eyes on God, it is not only bearable, but some days it is amazing - especially days with signs, Godwinks, or spent in fun activities or deep discussions with those I love.
Today, on the 9 month anniversary date of Morgan returning to God, I woke up early (5:10), and couldn't go back to sleep. After crying for a while, I laid here contemplating the last few days and how amazing it has been. We took back roads through the mountains all the way here, and it seemed we had to turn every five miles, but we enjoyed it. We didn’t have a bad meal or bad weather during this trip, and the activities we chose were all pretty amazing.
If you ever get the chance to come to this area, you won't be disappointed.
This is Tallulah Falls State Park.
We were given a huge surprise gift on Thursday afternoon when we went to Yonah Vineyards for some wine tasting. We were already thrilled just with the view when we pulled up, but at that moment, we were quite literally the only patrons there.
An old man came out of the door to the patio just as we approached and immediately introduced himself as Bob Miller, the owner. Jeanne asked him, more or less in a rhetorical manner, a cute quippy question that I don't think she expected him to answer, and he said, “Go get your wine, and I’ll tell you.” We got our wine flights, and then Bob regaled us with story after story for over an hour. We even met his son, Eric, and his wife Jane, who also sat and chatted for a short bit.
Jeanne and I were overjoyed with our (God’s?) timing to have gotten that solo treatment. It is his shtick to converse with his patrons, but I’ll bet most get 5 or 10 minutes. The funny thing is that Bob grew up in Illinois and is also a fan of the card game, Euchre, that was what brought Jeanne and I into acquaintance and friendship.
Yonah means “bear” in that Indian language.
Yesterday one of the things we did was called “Goats on the Roof.” Morgan loved loved loved goats. She would have loved this place, so I enjoyed it for her and me both. I'm choosing God and choosing life, and even with the worst possible earthly thing that can happen to a parent, I appreciate every blessing (more now than ever.)
We’ll take off to home in the next hour or two (not back roads this time). Enjoy your weekend!
Sounds amazing! I am so happy you had such a great trip!😊
Thank you for posting those pictures and that review. Only a three hour drive for us - I know my husband will want to go!! Safe travels.