I can't explain it, and I think it is probably the strength and peace for me that some of you have told me you are including in your prayers, but I am doing fine. I’m doing much better than around Thanksgiving. So thank you very much!
In the evenings I am very tired. Fatigue. Exhaustion. My job has been mentally straining me more lately, but it isn't THAT much different this week from most of the year, so I think there is an energy in me that is busy fighting off the blues, fighting off images of Christmas, or something just below the surface that poops out by 6:00 pm. I’m sure the fact that it gets dark around 4:45 doesn't help.
I’m actually doing something Christmas related, too, shocking even myself. A customer and friend of my husband's knows that we are big fans of Graces of Gurley, and he and his daughter wanted to donate some new toys. I didn't look into it much and told him to have them bring them to him, and I’d get them to Graces. Our timing was too late (just like getting a Memorial Christmas tree this year), as all the kids had been “taken,” however, I worked a little magic and now we will wrap and deliver some gifts from “anonymous” or “a friend” to a few children who had not been included. We plan to do it on December 21st. That date is significant because it is the very last normal day of our lives. The day that truly separated before and after.
Last December 21st, I spent the day with a few of my tween friends taking the dog for a walk and coming back here to make Christmas cookies. It was a great, fun day.
That night, the same customer of the toys above, had a couch to donate and hubby and I made the delivery to a very happy and grateful woman. As we drove home, we both commented on what a great day and evening we’d had. It was that night we got the call Morgan had been taken to the hospital.
I feel it will be a lifelong tradition to help someone or several people, specifically on December 21st. That truly makes me feel good and not sad.
Today Rock 3- Jeanne - went with me to the nearby town of Guntersville on an errand to get my pecans shelled. Lake Guntersville is a beautiful TVA dammed up part of the Tennessee River and there's a nice path to walk along the lake. We took KK for a very sniffy walk, but we also saw three different GBH. I’d accidentally left my phone in the car, but they were all hunting for fish and are not nearly as spooked by people as the usual ones I encounter. They also made me happy, not sad. I do believe I may be re-reading these blog posts soon and tallying my total for the year. I’m thinking around 30 if I had to guess.
I will end this again by saying I’m very thankful for all of you. Start or keep reaching out to God in this life. You’ll notice a difference.
Mark 10:23-27 MSG
[23-25] Looking at his disciples, Jesus said, “Do you have any idea how difficult it is for people who ‘have it all’ to enter God’s kingdom?” The disciples couldn’t believe what they were hearing, but Jesus kept on: “You can’t imagine how difficult. I’d say it’s easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for the rich to get into God’s kingdom.” [26] That got their attention. “Then who has any chance at all?” they asked. [27] Jesus was blunt: “No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you let God do it.”
I think it is so therapeutic doing nice things for others. It will definitely help you get through these so difficult days.
What a lovely and selfless thing you are doing. God bless you.