I'm writing this while I'm waiting for our town fireworks to start. There is some kind of delay, and once I realized how late I'll have to stay up to get a post written, I thought I better start now. (Fireworks finally start; most of this written afterwards)
I feel like I fit two days worth of activities into one day. The dog and I walked the Hays Backend around 9am. I saw a cardinal fly across the road on my way there, and after telling hubby that later in the day, he said he saw a cardinal fly across the road at that same section of road as well.
Once on the path, it was only 5 or so minutes in that I saw a GBH in a new spot. I stopped to watch and say hello, but this one seemed to have no intention of leaving, so I eventually moved on.
The podcast I was listening to intrigued me because it was titled, “The Shocking Rise of Gen Z Seeking Psychics for Mental Health” by Melissa Dougherty. Much of it was about how those with extreme sadness will turn to anything like this that might help, regardless if it is true or not. In other words, if it helped, it doesn't matter if it's true.
I could kind of relate because of how the GBH, cardinals, and butterflies help me when I envision it being Mo, or God letting her spirit visit through these creatures. It's not TRUE, but the truth is, it does help.
I didn't get to finish the podcast so I think I might have more to say about it. Besides the GBH, I saw 2 cardinals, and several butterflies hung close again, especially at the car.
We were still unsure about the kayaking because the weather was iffy, but we finally decided it was a go, and we had a wonderful three hour float. The current was pretty strong and the weather ended up being perfect. There were a lot of people out on the river and everyone is friendly. Out on the river I saw 3 more cardinals and we also had the surprise of a long timber rattler swimming near us. Thankfully not too close, and it finally slithered back into its hole in a rock wall.
After dinner we met the same friends and some others at our town park for the fireworks, which went on for 40 minutes. It was a great day, and I'm thankful for all of it.
For you, my brothers, were called to freedom; only do not let your freedom become an opportunity for the sinful nature (worldliness, selfishness), but through love serve and seek the best for one another.
Galatians 5:13 AMP
So glad you had a great day.
A rattlesnake? Wow! I would have been freaking out! Sounds like such a good day, which you needed! I really would not be surprised if your spirit could present itself in these things. You really just never know, especially when the afterlife is really beyond our comprehension. I would love soaring some day though the world!😊❤️